Manage your workforce more efficiently with our powerful Personnel Management App

Welcome to our revolutionary Personnel Management App, a comprehensive solution for workforce management, designed and maintained by our dedicated development team.

Demo App

Designed for HR Professionals

Our Personnel Management App is built keeping in mind the daily challenges and needs of HR professionals. With a user-friendly interface, customizable features, and efficient automation of routine tasks, the app assists HR teams in achieving their targets seamlessly. Manage staffing, track employee progress, and maintain records effortlessly, all in one place.

Adapts to Your Workflow

Every team has a unique workflow, and our app is designed to accommodate that. The Personnel Management App can be configured to fit your specific processes and requirements. This includes roster planning, leave approval, compensation management, grievance handling, and more. Our flexible app ensures your HR workflow is streamlined for maximum productivity.

Streamlines Various HR Tasks

The Personnel Management App eases HR's heavy workload by simplifying multifaceted HR tasks. From the time-consuming process of recruitment and onboarding, to performance appraisal and managing employee separations, our app manages it all. Transform tedious HR paperwork into a few clicks with our Personnel Management App, thereby saving time and resources.




Why Choose Our Personnel Management App?

Explore the comprehensive and integral features that make our app the ultimate personnel management tool

Landing Page

Get a custom-built landing page to welcome visitors to your site, or forgo the landing page and have your current website link directly to the app

Login Options

Customizable login options such as invite-only, open registration, or even OAuth login options such as Discord, Google, Microsoft, and more third-party login services


User credentials are hashed with SHA256, sessions also utilize a SHA256 hash to mitigate session hijacking, every activity is logged for review, consecutive failed login attempts have a timeout to mitigate bruteforce exploitation, and there are a myriad of user and role privileges for flexibility

Member Profiles

User profiles can be customized site-wide to allow storage of information such as address, emergency contact, contact information, career data, and more!

Document Storage

Store files within member profiles or within reports to stay organized

Reporting Tools

Multiple reporting tools exist within the application that provide users with the ability to generate detailed, insightful reports with just a few clicks. Examples include data metrics, exportable data tables (pdf, csv, etc), and time sheet management.

Notifications and Alerts

Ensure you stay updated and well-informed about all important activities through notifications and alerts. These are designed to notify you when certain events happen, so you never miss a thing.

Polls and Surveys

Polls and Surveys are key features of our platform, allowing you to engage with your audience in a meaningful way. Whether you're collecting customer feedback for service improvements, conducting research or driving employee engagement, these tools make the process straightforward and efficient.

Event Management

Manage events from top-to-bottom such as scheduling, inviting, and fleshing out the details such as venue, location, points of contact, etc.

Training and Certification Tracking

Our training module allows you to curate your own courses to train your workforce within the app. The training module also tracks employee progress in each course, collects metrics, and records completions within employee profiles. Additionally, you can set recurring requirements such as when a course is required annually.

Responsive Design

Responsive Design is a notable feature of our platform that ensures you have an optimal viewing experience across all devices. It gives you the convenience of using our application on any screen size without compromising on the visual experience or functionality.

Time Sheet and Leave Tracking

Time Sheet and Leave Tracking are vital components of our platform, designed to help organizations manage employee work hours and absence requests seamlessly.


Select your plan

$ 200 /mo
  • Support
  • Custom Landing Page
  • Dedicated Server
  • Database Backups
  • Custom Features
  • Third-party Integration
$ 600 /mo
  • Support
  • Custom Landing Page
  • Dedicated Server
  • Database Backups
  • Custom Features
  • Third-party Integration
$ 1200 /mo
  • Support
  • Custom Landing Page
  • Dedicated Server
  • Database Backups
  • Custom Features
  • Third-party Integration

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